Sabtu, 10 November 2018
The Encyclopaedia of Islam (Second Edition) Online sets out the present
state of our knowledge of the Islamic World. It is a unique and
invaluable reference tool, an essential key to understanding the world
of Islam, and the authoritative source not only for the religion, but
also for the believers and the countries in which they live. Click here
Public speaking (also called oratory or oration) is the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience..
This type of speech is deliberately structured with three general
purposes: to inform, to persuade and to entertain. Public speaking is
commonly understood as formal, face-to-face speaking of a single person
to a group of listeners. Public speaking can be governed by different rules and structures. For
example, speeches about concepts do not necessarily have to be
structured in any special way. However, there is a method behind giving
it effectively. For this type of speech it would be good to describe
that concept with examples that can relate to the audiences life. This book tell about the art of public speaking if you want to read perfectly Click here
Jumat, 09 November 2018
Listening strategies
Listening is the one skill that you use the most in everyday life. Listening comprehension is the basis for your speaking, writing and reading skills. To train your listening skills, it is important to listen actively, which means to actively pay attention to what you are listening to. Make it a habit to listen to audio books, podcasts, news, songs, etc. and to watch videos and films in the foreign language.
You should know that there are different types of listening:
- Listening for gist: you listen in order to understand the main idea of the text.
- Listening for specific information: you want to find out specific details, for example key words.
- Listening for detailed understanding: you want to understand all the information the text provides.
Before you listen to a text, you should be aware of these different types. You will have to decide what your purpose is. Becoming aware of this fact will help you to both focus on the important points and reach your goal.
Suggestions for improving your listening skills
Before you listen
- Think about the topic of the text you are going to listen to. What do you already know about it? What could possibly be the content of the text? Which words come to mind that you already know? Which words would you want to look up?
- If you have to do a task on the listening text, check whether you have understood the task correctly.
- Think about what type of text you are going to listen to. What do you know about this type of text?
- Relax and make yourself ready to pay attention to the listening text.
While you are listening
- It is not necessary to understand every single word. Try to ignore those words that you think are less important anyway.
- If there are words or issues that you don't understand, use your general knowledge as well as the context to find out the meaning.
- If you still don't understand something, use a dictionary to look up the words or ask someone else for help.
- Focus on key words and facts.
- Take notes to support your memory.
- Intonation and stress of the speakers can help you to understand what you hear.
- Try to think ahead. What might happen next? What might the speakers say, which words might they use?
Movie maker
Cara Menggunakan Program aplikasi Movie Maker windows 7
- Dowload aplikasi windows movie maker nya lewat Link ini Atau bagi sobat yang menggunakan OS windows 8 silahkan download programnya lewat link Download Movie Maker Gratis Windows 7 Dan 8 karena cara penggunaan windows 7 dan 8 hampir sama.
- Install dahulu programnya
- Berikutnya adalah menjalankan programnya, jika soba tidak menemui di dekstop silahkan jalankan lewat start,
- Mengambil video dari komputer yang akan dijadikan sebagai latihan membuat video sendiri.
- Selanjutnya adalah "open"
- Pertama sobat bisa melihat di menu "HOME" disana ada beberapa menu penting yang harus sobat ketahui
- Sekarang saatnya melihat bagaimana movie maker ini bekerja coba sobat test beberapa menu yang ada disana misalkan saja fitur yang saya tandai dengan nomer, lihat keterangan gambar di bawah ini. ini adalah fitur "ANIMATION"
- Beriktunya kita berada pada menu "VISUAL EFFECT" disini visual effect masih dalam dosis yang sederhana untuk menjajal bagaimana fungsinya sobat bisa klik salah satu gambar di time line lalu arahkan mouse ke salah satu fitur visual effecnya.
- Menginjak pada menu "PROJECT"
Keterangan gambar Menu home
1. Copy paste video / gambar
2. menambahkan video atau gambar ke dalam timeline
3. Menambah musik / lagu ke dalam video
4. Mengambil video melalui Webcam video yang ada di PC, record narration adalah untuk merekam suara sobat sendiri, mengambil gambar yang ada di dalam video,
5. Theme movie maker
6. Memutar memiringkan video ke kiri atau ke kanan
7. Share ke sosial media
8. Menyimpan video menjadi format populer yang sobat inginkan
9. Timeline video yang bisa di potong dan di urutkan
Keterangan Gambar Menu Animation
1. Animasi gambar denga pola Bowtie, cross out, bars, blur, slidedown, dan lain-lain. untuk melihat bagaimana animasi itu seperti apa cukup arahkan saja pointer mouse ke salah satunya.
2. Klik jika ingin mengaplikasikan fitur animasi yang sama ke semua gambar animasi nomer 1
3. Posisi Normal tanpa animasi pand and zoom
4. Kalau nomer 3 ini adalah animasi pan and zoom yaitu animasi seolah gambar bergerak menurut aturan yang di inginkan. bisa ke arah atas ke bawah, bawah ke atas, kanan ke kiri, atau gambar seolah bergerak maju kedepan atau zoom
5. fungsi nya sama dengan nomer 2
6. Preview / pratinjau sobat bisa melihat bagaimana animasi itu terlihat
7. geser ke kanan atau ke kiri untuk mendapatkan ukuran timeline (besar / kecil) yang diinginkan
8. Berapa menit durasi video yang sedang di buat.
10. Adalah timeline . baris gambar sobat bisa meletakkan gambar mana yang didahulukan dan gambar mana yang di akhirnya cukup dengan drag dan drop saja menggunakan mouse.
Keterangan Detail gambar project
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